
Get in touch

If you are in need of humanitarian assistance, please visit our website at We provide packs of food, medical help, and free seminars to help the poorest of the poor. We would be happy to help you in any way that we can.

Place an order

If you would like to place an order with Kataguyod, please visit their website. They offer a variety of packages, which can include food, medical supplies, and other necessary items. Their website is easy to navigate, and they provide detailed information about each item. Additionally, they offer free shipping on most orders.

Alberto Linao Buag

Kataguyod is a website that provides consultation services to people in need. The website provides food, medical services, and other assistance to the poorest of the poor. The website also offers free seminars to help improve the lives of its clients.

Contact us

Blk5 lot10 Soldiers Home Batalion st brgy Batasan Hills Quezon city , 1126


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